API Keys


An application programming interface key (API key) is a unique identifier code used to authenticate a user, developer, or calling program to an API. Use the Infinipoint API keys to make secure REST requests to Infinipoint APIs.
For your protection, store the Access Key ID and the Secret Access Key pair in a secure location, and only share them with trusted entities. Infinipoint recommends rotating access keys on a regular basis, and removing them entirely when they are no longer in use.


Admins rights (or others with appropriate custom role) with ability to manage API keys for their tenant.

Refer to Infinipoint Documentation on using the API for more information.


Procedure to Creating new API keys:

  1. At the Infinipoint console select Settings > Tenant Settings > API Keys at the top menu.

  2. At the top right, click Create API Key to open a new window.

a.     At Description, enter a new name for the key.

b.     Select time frame for expiration of the API Key.

Note: For security purposes, Infinipoint recommends leaving the API keys expiration with the default one minute.

c.      Select Create.

A new dialog box with your API Access Key ID and Secret Access Key will appear:


3. Download the Access key ID and the Secret Access Key or use the clipboard button to copy them.

4. Prior to closing the dialog box, check the box “I have saved my API key and secret and I'm ready to continue”.

Note: The Secret Access Key will no longer be accessible after closing this dialog box.


Secret Key Format

The Secret Access key is comprised of several lines, and follows a strict syntax.
I must begin with the text “-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----“ and end with “-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----“.

Include these lines when coping, or it will not work.

An example of a valid Secret Access Key format:

-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY----- MHcCAQEEIEUGbChdkgX3YcPB1IJdsB0cvX7yYXk0ELj/PUL12DcyoAoGCCqGSM49 AwEHoUQDQgAExSqmE618cmeUxWfTeXt+XJIe3l5aw0O3KFWK9cvABUkRxiDOLxk4 UVVlcE0knbB6tLSSE74zORJiQxmPRmjz+Q== -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----

Some systems (such as Demisto/XSOAR), may not accept a multiline format like in the above example.

Convert the above format to a single line, replacing every new line with the “\n” characters. The above key, should look like this:

-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\nMHcCAQEEIEUGbChdkgX3YcPB1IJdsB0cvX7yYXk0ELj/PUL12DcyoAoGCCqGSM49\nAwEHoUQDQgAExSqmE618cmeUxWfTeXt+XJIe3l5aw0O3KFWK9cvABUkRxiDOLxk4\nUVVlcE0knbB6tLSSE74zORJiQxmPRmjz+Q==\n-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----

Note: Using the clipboard button will copy the key with this format.

Suspend / Delete Keys

Select Suspend or Delete for each relevant key.