Windows Deployment

Download from the Infinipoint Console

  1. Login to Infinipoint’s console.

  2. Go to Tenant Settings > Client Installers

  3. Download the Windows installer and double click to install.

Install via Command Prompt

Open the Command Prompt as an Administrator and navigate to the folder where the installer was downloaded.


Make sure to replace the parameter your-dist-id with the actual distribution ID provided by Infinipoint

Execute the following command:

msiexec.exe /l*v "infinipoint_installer.log" /i "infinipoint_latest.msi" DIST_ID=your-dist-id

Download & Install via PowerShell

Execute the following one-liner to download and install the agent:

Make sure to replace the parameter your-dist-id with the actual distribution ID provided by Infinipoint

Europe Environment:

$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; Invoke-WebRequest -uri "" -OutFile "infinipoint.msi"; msiexec.exe /l*v "infinipoint_installer.log" /i "infinipoint.msi" DIST_ID=your-dist-id

USA Environment:

$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; Invoke-WebRequest -uri "" -OutFile "infinipoint.msi"; msiexec.exe /l*v "infinipoint_installer.log" /i "infinipoint.msi" DIST_ID=your-dist-id

Deploy & Install via a 3rd Party Deploy System

Execute the following command:

Make sure to replace the parameter your-dist-id with the actual distribution ID provided by Infinipoint

Windows Installation Demo

Uninstalling the Infinipoint Client

Execute the following command:

If you can’t find Infinipoint installer, you can use the Installer GUID instead of the installer file.